Ancient Malta is almost Great Britain in the Mediterranean Sea: here English and soccer are equally revered. Language schools and study tours, beach holidays and excursions, eco-tourism, weather, photos and prices - all about Malta from Tourism Tonnies. Malta is a beautiful island state at the crossroads of civilizations: for many thousands of years trade roads crossed here from west to east, from Europe to Africa. Who hasn't set foot on this soil: both the mythical Odysseus and the real Napoleon and Nelson have been here. And now in their footsteps are sent by modern treasure hunters - cultural, architectural, beach and culinary. Every era has left its mark on Malta: unusual sights - from ancient megaliths to medieval temples and fortresses - still retain echoes of bygone times. You must come to me in order to unravel the mysteries of the ancient streets, to catch international notes in the classic dishes, to enjoy recreation on the rocky and sandy beaches, hidden in the secluded bays of the Mediterranean Sea. And in addition - to restore health in the modern Thalasso centers and learn English in popular language schools. It is no coincidence that Malta's landscapes were chosen as the backdrop for the filming of the iconic Game of Thrones. #Malta

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