The smallest continent on the planet has five millionaire cities. Oddly enough, the capital of Australia, Canberra, is not on that list, with 10 times fewer inhabitants than the country's largest city, Sydney. About 90% of Australians live in cities, which suggests that Australia is one of the most urbanized countries in the world today. The main part of the population is concentrated in the south-east of the continent, and it is here located the largest megacities of the country, characterized by a developed infrastructure, a decent standard of living, high technology and multinationality. Two of them - Sydney and Melbourne - account for almost 40% of the population of the Commonwealth. Sydney Population: 5,230,330. (2018) Sydney Australia's largest city in terms of size and territory, the oldest in Australia, and the capital of the state of New South Wales, is located on the southeastern coast of the mainland. The fortunate location in the sheltered Gulf of Port Jackson, discovered by James Cook in 1770, allowed Sydney to develop and expand steadily almost from the time the British founded the settlement in 1788. On January 26, he planted a flagpole in the ground, proclaimed the east coast part of Britain, and appointed himself governor. The future city was named after the British colonial secretary, Lord Sydney, and the commemorative date was later chosen to celebrate National Australia Day. The modern metropolis covers an area of 12144.6 square kilometers.

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