Australia is a separate continent, and its natural sites are all the more interesting. The local beauties have suffered less from human activity over the centuries. This is due to the later development of the continent. The closed ecosystem was not without the artificial addition of flora and fauna from all over the world. But it has managed to retain its characteristics. Australia's lakes are popular tourist attractions. Among them there are real unicoms, like Hiller, whose water has a pink color, and scientists have not yet found an explanation for it. Gippsland's water network is no less remarkable: a small strip of land separates the lakes from the ocean. There are hiking trails around many of the bodies of water. Australia's largest lakes A list of the most beautiful and largest lakes in the country. Lake Eyre The largest lake of the continent. It is located closer to the center of the country. It has an area of 9,500 km² and an average depth of about 1.5 meters. It is undrained, and the Diamantina River, the only river that flows into it, feeds the Eyre irregularly. For this reason, it periodically dries up and exposes the bottom, covered with a layer of salt.Once the water returns and rises to the right level, pelicans fly in. This phenomenon attracts tourists. Lake Eyre Lake Hillier Pink Lake of the Recherch Archipelago. The area is within 15 hectares. #LakesofAustralia

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